Science of CompressionFit
The overall confidence of the liner system design process originates from an extensive physical testing program conducted by British Gas over several years. The design procedure was established after extensive analysis of material behavior during and after die reduction. The developed software ensures installation stresses do not compromise the integrity of the HDPE.
The inherent flexibility that exists within the HDPE lining technology enables the liner system to be designed, installed and operated within a business environment where the technical, operational and commercial risks are identified and mitigated.
The engineering process has been structured to enable polymer liners to be designed to satisfy a range of properties and conditions that influence the business case surrounding the evaluation of a liner. The technology is governed by ASTM F3508.
Global hub for CompressionFit Polymer Lining Technology
Through our core initiative to continuously improve, Murphy Pipelines opened doors to its new Development Center. This will excel our research & development program to push boundaries into longer pull distances, reduced tonnages, speed project pulls and excel into larger diameters (greater than 78-inch).
The Development Center was conceived as a location where the CompressionFit technology includes higher performing materials, processes, connectors, vents, testing methods and fusion is developed, trialed, tested and eventually qualified for use in polymer lining applications. The Development Center will have a dedicated lining spread where various host pipes can be lined with a polymer liner in a controlled environment. It will also host dedicated fusion and electrofusion welding capability as well as the facilities to cut, prepare and weld.
To accelerate development and project testing, the Development Center is being equipped with a dedicated Tensile Tester capable of testing samples in a temperature controlled environment at speeds up to 6.5 feet per minute – currently the fastest test rates available in the industry. The Development Center and the Technology Development Group will work on projects with our operations team and industry partners.
The Development Center will also act as the company’s operational hub for supporting projects. Dedicated project PQT scopes will be completed in the facility. Technician training and certification and equipment maintenance and calibration will also be undertaken.